Thank you for your submission. Please select a date and time.

There are different ways to resolve disputes at the Beth Din of America.  In a mediation, the parties meet with someone who can help guide them to a negotiated settlement.  If the parties reach an agreement, they then sign a settlement agreement which is legally binding. In a din torah, or arbitration, the parties agree to be bound by the decision of the Beth Din. Hearings take place before the Beth Din, and the Beth Din issues a psak, or decision, that is legally binding.  It is also possible to sign an arbitration agreement that allows the parties to attempt mediation first and then, if no settlement is reached, arbitrate the case in a din torah.

For small claims where both parties agree for the case to be heard via Zoom by a single mediator/arbitrator, you can instantly schedule a mediation or din torah arbitration using the form below.

Please note that the information you submit on this form will be shared with both parties to this dispute.

The total cost of a session is $360 per hour. You will be charged below for your half ($180) of one hour of hearing/mediation time. Once you pay and choose a date and time, the other party will receive an email that includes the information below and that asks them for payment for their half of the fee.


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Plaintiff #{{ (index + 1) }}

Remove Plaintiff
Add Additional Plaintiff

Defendant #{{ (index + 1) }}

If you wish to summon both an individual and entity, please enter one as an additional party below.

Remove Defendant
Add Additional Defendant

Please briefly describe, in no more than two sentences, what this case is about.

Case Description*:

Additional Comments:

I agree to submit our disputes to arbitration before the Beth Din of America. In addition to the disputes between us, the Beth Din of America shall have jurisdiction to decide any disputes relating to the enforceability, formation, conscionability, and validity of this agreement (including any claims that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable) and the arbitrability of any disputes arising hereunder. The Beth Din of America shall arbitrate this matter in accordance with its rules and procedures. The Beth Din of America may resolve this controversy in accordance with Jewish law ("din") or through court ordered settlement in accordance with Jewish law ("p'shara krova l'din"). I agree that this arbitration shall be the exclusive forum for the adjudication of the aforementioned disputes and I am waiving any rights to other resolution processes, such as court action. This provision shall be a complete defense to any action before any court or other body, except that any party may seek interim judicial relief in aid of arbitration, to prevent a violation of this agreement pending arbitration, or to enforce any arbitration award. I agree that hearings in this case shall be conducted via Zoom, telephone or similar means, and I waive any right to physically appear before the arbitration panel. I also waive any statutory notice provisions regarding the date and time of the arbitration.

Payment (${{ post.price }}):

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The Rules and Procedures of the Beth Din can be accessed online at